Management Transformation Consulting Firm

Our Mission

Our mission is to guide companies through a successful change at the point of execution to delivery measurable and sustainable results. 

The only thing that never changes is change itself.

Our Corporate Motto

Our Vision

We work smart and hard every day to help our clients make change happen to capture their full potential.

Our Values

At TIP, we are dedicated to exceeding our clients’ expectations with every interaction. Our agile framework enables us to deliver significant and enduring results, regardless of where business demands emerge. Leveraging our extensive experience of the consulting arena, we grasp the essential elements of success. Thus, we commit to:

    • Creating a profound and substantial impact on our clients’ enterprises,
    • Ensuring the sustainability of our work through active engagement with our clients’ personnel,
    • Consistently achieving our goals, and
    • Providing exceptional satisfaction to our clients.

Experienced with Global Company

Since our experiences over 25 years ago. We apply ourselves totally to help you achieve your goals.


“After installing the Mac-Man Plus Management Coaching Program, the preventive maintenance activities attainment has been increased from 60% to 95%. The critical machines downtime reduced by more than 50%. One more thing, paperwork and paper usage dropped more than 90%. During preparation, installation and post implementation stages, TIPI engaged our end user (production) and service provider (maintenance team) to establish and agree on those internal services level agreement term and conditions. By doing that, it also helps to remove a significant amount of silo issues between the two parties.”
International Food Managing Director

What our clients say:

The project team removed those departmental Silo Effects smoothly since they have no political burden to make the change happen.

We have seen our managers & supervisors become more disciplined in managing their operations with TIP’s change model and coaching.

How can we help you?


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