About Us

Who we are

” A Regional Management Consulting Team with 30 years of International experiences to delivery a sustainable results and Behavioral Changes with Digitalization Technology. “

The TIP (Total Integrated Program) consulting firm are specialists  in delivery transformational change and operational excellence programs. Our goal is to align with our clients to achieve more results in a shorter time frame.

Our approach goes back to basics: increasing profitability through the reduction of operating costs and improving quality while developing your organization’s human resources through the implementation of our customized Management Balance Model.

This proven strategy helps improve communications across the organization resulting in better decision-making by removing the Silo Effect and increasing data transparency.

Our key focus points include:

  • At the point of execution – 80% of the daily resources are controlled by the frontline supervision
  • Design & implement a “System of Management” to integrate with your existing technology framework
  • Develop customized behavior change program to install appropriate discipline

We will only take up an assignment if:

  1. Client interest in pursuing increased profits through a reduction in operating costs and improving quality through the implementation of the Total Integrated Program international (TIPI)
  2. Our approach is compatible with the operating philosophy of that company
  3. We can deliver a measurable & sustainable result
  4. Client Return On Investment not less than 200% one year after the completion of the project

TIPI not just provides management skills and knowledges sharing 



  • Over 30 years experience delivering Transformational Change & Operational Excellence to our customers

  • Specialists in design & implement the Management Control and Operating System support by customized Behavior Change Progra


  • International Management Consulting Skills and Methodologies

  • Broader experience and understanding of working with local cultures

  • Extensive global experience leading business change


  • Convert Vision to Actions

  • Make change at the “Point of Execution”

  • Delivery Measurable and Sustainable Results